BAH! I've done it again. I've gone and ignored the things most dear to me in this world (in no necessary order): Stumbleupon, my blog, definitely your blog, my favourite webcomic, Flickr, the small-college internet radio stations that I love to listen to, and this really catchy little piece by an old friend of mine that she entitled: "Hey, Hispanic Lady!"
I'm going back and reading that in a hot minute.
But there is a reason for all of this, all of this....this enstrangement.
I, yours truly, the writer of this here blog - my dear readers - am being handed the run-around by the Berlin mass transit system.
Given the business, taken to the cleaners, has had her LUNCH. EATEN. if you will.
Title of my next book: "The Run-Around, The Business, A Trip To The Cleaners and Whatever Happened To My Lunch?"
or "My WORD I'm Late For Everything"
As a, now, bonafide expert on all matters of being schooled by a train system and, thereby, late on a nearly religious basis, I can honestly say that it's a large slice of humble pie to realize that you, YOU!! are that girl. The "golllll-E I'm just not used to this here big city life and well shucks I guess all them big trains are kinda gettin' the best of me" girl.
But I shall prevail.
hell, I'll light myself on fire before I let some large pieces of machinery get the best of me.
Ok so leaving the dramatic aside:
- I love my job(s) and colleagues
- I get the biggest kick out of walking everywhere I go because I get to see more of the city that way,
- We're still wearing jackets and scarves over here and Mother Nature is about to get some SUMMA KINDA strongly-worded letter if you're catching my drift,
- I've really gone a bit wild about avocados lately. When something starts becoming a conversation piece for your friends, you know you've gone wild,
- I need a haircut.
In other news, I have pictures, as promised, of my lovely little apartment.
(and also because certain members of certain parties have been ever-so-gently reminding me of my obligations to the blogging world to let them alllllllllll see where I live.)
The bedroom is of course mine. Rommates don't love roommates taking pictures of roommates' rooms. And the trees are the view into the courtyard from our windows.
I think you get the idea.